WARNING: Keywords are in lower case.

Posted by dbeattie on 07-Apr-2008 13:05

We've upgraded to 10.1C Architect (and Roundtable) and when we open a file and compile it, we get warning messages "Keywords are in lower case.". I set the flag in Architect to change case on save, which worked for most files, but hung on one. Anyway, my question is can you suppress this warning message with some startup parameter? Or some Architect setting?

All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 07-Apr-2008 13:26

And, in my case, make sure they are lower!

Posted by Admin on 07-Apr-2008 15:05

Don't know about the problem Don experienced, but there is an option to upper or lower case or take no action. There are then options to apply the case (as you finish a word) and as Don pointed out on save as well. I tried both upper and lower and both worked for the typing and save options. However, in Don's case (hey that a pun) he only ran into it once.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 07-Apr-2008 15:50

Yes, I know and use those settings. I guess the issue here in Don's case it that when there are upper case keywords in the file and one saves it, then it feels compelled to tell you that it did what you wanted by changing them all to lower on save (or vice versa). I never see this since I case mine to preference on creation so they aren't getting changed on save.

That the issue, Don?

Posted by Sunil Belgaonkar on 07-Apr-2008 23:12


In 10.1C, there is no setting to supress the warning messages that result from the incorrect casing in the file. Can you please file an enhancement request with Tech Support so that we could add a preference setting for this in future release of OpenEdge Architect?

In 10.1C the keyword casing functionality that runs on save (and the one invoked via action) leverages the Program Syntax Tree (AST) to determine keywords based on context. In the case where the the casing failed, it could be combination of AST or the casing loic - which caused the casing to hang. Can you please file a bug for that? Also if possible, please attach the file (and any includes etc... it references) so that we can easily reproduce this bug. Thanks.


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