10.1C Architect and Sonic 7.6

Posted by Sandy Caiado on 08-Apr-2008 11:38


Has anyone installed 10.1C Architect and been able to get Sonic 7.6 in the same Eclipse Environment.

Sonic 7.6 does not have any updates on their site. How else can I do do this?



All Replies

Posted by Admin on 09-Apr-2008 20:08


There is several ways to get this to work.

The first option is to download a full SDK version of Eclipse and other components that Sonic and OE Arch need (eg GEEF AND EMF) and then use links to the plugin sets. I use this technique because I need a full more up to date Eclipse 3.3+ with a bunch of other plugins eg GEF, EMF, DTP, WTP, Subclipse, AnyEdit, Ruby, Jadclipse etc.

The second option (which should work for you) is to leave both Sonic Workbench eclipse and tools plugins, as well as OE Arch eclipse and tools plugins where they are installed but marry them, by using either OE ARch or Sonic as the base. I've provided a simple, quick way to get this to work.

(Option 1) Download/install a Full SDK version of Eclipse 3.2.2, including GEF, EMF.

Create a "links" sub-directory under your eclipse install eg similar to

how OE Arch does it in $DLC\oeide\eclipse\links

Copy both the openedge.lnk and sonicProduct.lnk to your links directory

(Option 2) Using OE Arch eclipse as the base. So it will still be branded Openedge.

Locate the sonicProduct.lnk file under

$SONIC76DIR\WorkBench7.6\eclipse\links and copy it to


OE Arch eclipse will now be used for both architect and sonic workbench.

However, neither sonic or architect's eclipse has all the dependent eclipse

plugins required to run both sets of plugins.

So one cheat way to fix it is create a link to the Sonic eclipse environment.

Copy the $DLC\oeide\eclipse\links\sonicProduct.lnk file and rename it to

sonic76Eclipse.lnk, edit the file and remove the "\tools" from the path - it

should now look similar to this "path=D:/Sonic76/Workbench7.6".

If you look under $DLC\oeide\architect\eclipse you will see a file called

.eclipseextension that is required to complete the linking process.

Copy the $DLC\oeide\architect\eclipse\.eclipseextension file into


Now when OE Arch starts it will use both eclipse and tools plugin sets.

(Option 3) Alternatively use Sonic's eclipse as the base. Similar instructions to (2)

I've tried option 2 quickly using a standard 10.1C install and Sonic 7.6 installed with its own eclipse - seems to work.



Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 10-Apr-2008 11:05

Doesn't it seem like there might be enough people wanting to do this that there should be a standard install option for it?

Posted by jtownsen on 14-Apr-2008 12:56

This is a cyclic process where each side has to do "their bit" to make everything work. Better integration is planned for later releases of each product.

The good news is that there a standard install option for it if you already have OpenEdge installed and then install Sonic Workbench. There is an option to "Use an existing Eclipse installation". Point the installer to your %DLC%\oeide\eclipse directory and you'll find all your favourite Sonic Workbench options available in OpenEdge Architect.

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