context in Customization Editor

Posted by Jurjen Dijkstra on 29-Apr-2007 05:16

I am trying to use the Customization Editor in OpenEdge Architect 10.1B to

add a menu-item "Prolint this file" in the context-menu of the OpenEdge


The desired effect is, that when you are editing "acme/foo.p" and choose

this custom menu-item, Prolint will start to analyze "acme/foo.p". Much like how

"Compile" and "Check Syntax" work.

It works. No it doesn't.

The custom menu-item is visible and active, the program I have specified

(prolint/launch/eclipse.p) runs fine, but there seems to be no way to get

the name of the file that is in the editor (e.g. "acme/foo.p").

That is strange, especially for a context-menu. It seems pretty useless to

have a context-menu that doesn't know its context.

What I am overlooking?



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Posted by Jurjen Dijkstra on 01-Jun-2008 12:12

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