tools for business logic, help

Posted by Freddy Boisseau on 26-Aug-2008 11:35

I am taking a look a the 'Tools for Business Logic', part of the Open Architect and am having trouble finding information about how to use it and what it can do. I have mainly interested in the following properties.

For a table : DataSource, Type, and Code Template.

For a field : ColumnMappingSource and ColumnMappingType

For an index : Basically how it work.

If you can point me to some good documentation on how to use this I would appreciate it.

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 27-Aug-2008 00:07

It's basically a forgotten child of PSC.

Out of the box it can only draw diagrams of ProDatasets and Temp-Tables and generate include files with that code. The DataSource and Type properties are not used at all and are an indication that there was a time where this should become a design tool for OERA like business entities.

John Sadd recently released a white-paper on how to get some more out of it:

One word of warning: You have the choice to use a Progress DB or the appmodel.t4bl file as a store for your modells. The appmodel.t4bl file is linked to your diagram files by guid. Don't mess around with (or loose) this file. It will make all your diagrams useless.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 27-Aug-2008 10:19

Consider exploring UML instead.

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