Why won't .Ws open in Editor Perspective?

Posted by tbergman on 25-Jan-2009 08:28


I'm trying to understand the "special" features of the supplied perspectives. .W files will only open correctly in the AppBuilder when using the OpenEdge AppBuilder perspective. If I save this perspective as My AppBuilder, they will no longer open correctly.

Is there a way I can have this work even in other perspectives?



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Posted by egarcia on 26-Jan-2009 15:43

Hello Tom,

When a .w file is opened in OpenEdge Architect, the perspective is checked to see if it is the OpenEdge AppBuilder perspective. If it is then the .w file is opened in the AppBuilder in addition to the OpenEdge TextEditor. The idea behind this is that at times developers may want to open a .w file in the editor without opening it in the AppBuilder.

The check for the perspective is done using the label: OpenEdge AppBuilder.

I think that this check could be changed to use the perspective id so any perspective derived from the OpenEdge AppBuilder perspective would be used for the AppBuilder.

You could report this issue to Technical Support.



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