Tabs getting messed up by auto code generation

Posted by ojfoggin on 29-May-2009 05:55

Hi Again,

I've got another problem now with tabs in code.

Whenever I make a change (e.g. resize a browse) in the appbuilder gui side the code's indetnation goes all screwy.

I have the "use tabs instead of spaces" buttons ticked.  Initially I thought this might be because the code I was editing has been done with spaces not tabs.  So I did a find and replace to replace every instance of four spaces together with a tab. I then did a bit of playing around to correct the indentations etc...

I've just resized an OCX FlexGrid in the gui and it seems to have replaced all my tabs with spaces but then incorrectly.  I think it's done 8 spaces to each tab so all the indentation is messed up again!

Is this another bug with architect or is there a tick box I can use to stop this happening?

Thanks again guys!


All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 29-May-2009 11:59

My first suggestion would be that you went the wrong direction.  I.e., use spaces, not tabs for your layout.  That may not help your particular problem, but I have found it to be a more stable solution.  Among other things, one can open the same code in different editors without wierd things happening.

Posted by ojfoggin on 01-Jun-2009 02:37

Thanks for the tip.

I'll try switching it back.

I'm used to using tabs from Java (my first programming language) and so I prefer it that way.

I'll switch back for now though.


Posted by jmls on 01-Jun-2009 03:48

I second that approach. Works much better.

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