Can you exclude a directory from compilation

Posted by jmls on 20-Jun-2009 02:38

We have a directory within our ABL project that uses vba, and in there are some class files (.cls). Obviously, these do not compile in Progress, so I have a nasty looking red cross on them and the directory. Is there any way of excluding a directory from a project compile ?



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Posted by Admin on 20-Jun-2009 03:00

Unfortunately not! I asked for this feature a couple of times - but I must admit, I did not log an ERS yet.

My use case is definitively a different one and I suggest you to organize the folder structure in a way, that you move the VB code to a different project (of type Ressource). I'd just have code of a single language in a project. My use case was more related to template files that usually do not compile or migration routines, that will just compile when you have an old version of the DB connected etc.

Sunil, if you read this, it's not just me asking for this feature :-)

I've logged a similar ERS: 0000003639, Compile based on working set.

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