UltraControls 10.2A with OEA 10.2B?

Posted by vjug on 16-Oct-2009 02:22

Is there a way to make OEA 10.2B to work with UltraControls 10.2A? I would like to use the funcionalities of new version of IDE, but I don't want to update all clients.

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Posted by Admin on 16-Oct-2009 02:28

I'm not aware how it works license wise...

But technically, copy the 10.2A dll files from %DLC%\bin\Infragistics\winforms to a directory in your project (I usually name that Assemblies). Then add the assembly references to the proper version (Version=8.1.20081.2150  for 10.2A SP2), place the assemblies.xml file in the directory Assemblies and start Progress with -assemblies Assemblies.

But be aware that using the same way (having the 10.2B dll files in your project directory) you can simply distribute the dlls to all your clients - just like updated R-Code. I'd rather go that way. There's no need to install the UltraControls on every client. .NET features copy only deployment for (most) assemblies.

Posted by khowell on 16-Oct-2009 07:37

Using the 10.2A controls (2008.1 infragistics version) with 10.2B is not supported.  With the release of OpenEdge 10.2B we plan to support the infragistics version of 2009.2. If you move your OpenEdge license from 10.2A to 10.2B you need to move your Ultra Controls 10.2A license as well.


Kristen Howell

OpenEdge Product Manager

Posted by vjug on 16-Oct-2009 07:51

The problem is if you are an ISV and you have customers that have v10.2A and customers with v10.2B and you want to use features of new version of IDE. I don't see any problem with license here and Mike's solution sounds quite OK. Thanks

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