Create collapsible sections ?

Posted by jmls on 19-Jan-2010 15:09

Using 10.2B,

Is there a way of defining a block of code as collapsible in the Architect (like DO blocks or METHODS etc)

I have a large definition of properties and would like to be able to collapse it .



All Replies

Posted by Admin on 19-Jan-2010 15:13

... and while talking about collapsible sections: A preference to turn of the nasty collapsing of USING statements in a class header would be very nice.

Posted by jmls on 19-Jan-2010 15:23

Hey! don't hijack my thread !!

Posted by Admin on 19-Jan-2010 15:25

Me? What?

Posted by Peter Judge on 19-Jan-2010 15:36

I logged OE00185881 (Support for user-defined folding blocks) a while ago for my own purposes. It's currently an enhancement (duh but at least there's a bug to add your name to, if you want.

-- peter

Posted by jmls on 19-Jan-2010 15:37

yeah! You! Bloody trouble maker.

Posted by jmls on 19-Jan-2010 15:37

Oh, ok. Thanks. How do I add my name to this ?

Posted by ksv on 20-Jan-2010 02:03

Support this! I'd like to have in ABL something  like "region" preprocessor in C#

Posted by Ravi Sankar on 20-Jan-2010 02:58

The collapse sections in architect are predefined and can't be configured (added/removed). Please log a enhancement request.

Posted by Peter Judge on 20-Jan-2010 08:41

Oh, ok. Thanks. How do I add my name to this ?

I believe you should contact TS.

-- peter

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