Architect and Git

Posted by jmls on 22-May-2011 04:42

Trying (struggling) to set up a project that is comprised of several sub-projects.

My directory structure for the "demo" project is as follows




the demo project uses classes from project1 and project2 (project1 and project2 have no relation or common files) as well as DotR/MyFiles

I was able to do this in subversion by having a repository called demo, with the folder DotR/MyFiles in it, and then adding project1 and project2 as externals

has anyone been able to do this in git ? I've tried looking at subtrees and sub modules, but can't get it to work for me (the sub-project directory is there, but the files are not)

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Posted by davidkerkhofs3 on 23-May-2011 06:59

I haven't tried it but in the EGit documentation you can find something on combining multiple .git projects into an eclipse workspace:

Posted by jmls on 03-Jun-2011 03:00

It must be because I'm tired. Or old. Or both.

Or perhaps just plain stupid.

However, I cannot for the life of me understand how git works with eclipse.

In Subversion, if I wanted to start work on a project that is under control

File->New Project->Import from Subversion->[select project]->Create using wizard->Choose openedge.

Done. Files and folders show with revision numbers, changes are highlighted, team menu works for commit, diff etc


Sorry for shouting. Just sooo frustrated .

People have been banging on about how git/mercurial is so much better than subversion , and as have to do some remote development soon, I thought that it would be a great chance to start using git.

Not liking the process so far ..

Posted by jmls on 03-Jun-2011 03:16

well, there I go again. Posting something about how I can't get this to work, 30 seconds later I get the bloody thing working.

Create the Openedge project as normal, then select team->Share, create new repo, select folder and press ok.

From there you can pull from a remote repo.

Now, how to work out how to get multiple repos per project ...

Posted by Peter Judge on 03-Jun-2011 08:07

You should just have "Cardboard Programmer"[1] as your subject ...

An alternate term for

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