Why does OEA sometimes not compile everything?

Posted by rbf on 17-Jun-2011 02:52

We have several GUI for .NET projects in OEA and regularly need to perform Project Clean.

This removes all r-code from our r-code directory and then should compile everything again.

The removal woks fine . Sometimes not all files in a project are compiled. I don't mean the files that fail to compile but files that are not attempted.

This is very hard to notice since OEA only reports succesfull compiles (too bad!), not failed or missed attempts. Also there is no count of succesfull compilations at the end so how do you find out that 100 out of 400 programs were not compiled? So we don't notice that right away until the application starts behaving strangely while testing, because some legacy programs must be compiled with a database connection and are executed befoe the database is connected. When these files are not compiled an old version is found in the PROPATH and executed instead and we get strange errors that often take a while to sort out. Besides we have not found a way to force OEA to compile everything after finding out this problem.

So I guess my questions are:

- Has anyone seen this behavior?

- How do you find out if everything is being compiled or not?

- How do you force OEA to compile everything?

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 17-Jun-2011 02:59

Did you check Window -> Preferences then

OpenEdge Architect -> Editor -> Build -> Maximum number of errors reported per build: This defaults to 100. So when 100 programs fail to compile it stops. I usually set this way higher, 1.000.000 is a good value

Posted by rbf on 17-Jun-2011 04:07

Thanks! That's it!

The text "Maximum number of errors reported per build" is pretty confusing as reporting errors is the last thing the OEA compiler does.

Wouldn't it be nice if OEA reported something like this after compiling a project:

** 188 compilation attempts; 89 compilation units compiled successfully.

as well as:

** Maximum compile errors (100) reached; aborting compilation.

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