Architect with multiple runtimes

Posted by Aliaksandr Tarasevich on 29-Sep-2011 22:03

Hi Guys,

Is there any way to have different runtimes for different projects in the same version (10.2B) of OpenEdge Architect? I have installed 9.1D, 10.1C and 10.2B versions of Progress. And I found that I can run procedures and create server(AppServer) clients in Architect using these runtimes. Is there any way to change project runtime, so that the syntax will be checked against 10.1C for one project and 10.2B for another.


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Posted by hgarapat on 30-Sep-2011 05:32


There is no way in OpenEdge Architect to associate a different Progress runtime to the project. This functionality of using different runtimes is supported till 10.1A version of OpenEdge Architect. You can see the attached screenshot of 10.1A project creation wizard.


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