Shortcut keys in Progress Developer Studio

Posted by Matt Baker on 05-Jan-2012 20:23

Having worked with Eclipse for several years now I thought it would be valuable to anyone using OEA, or Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge as its now called, to know about some things that I find useful.  Some of this may be common knowledge, but you never know.  So feel free to expand on whatever I post here.  You can find any of this in the documentation if you are looking for it, but sometimes its helpful just to call it out.  I know lots of people read the forums, and hopefully anyone reading this will learn something that will make them a bit more productive.

I'm a heavy keyboard user and prefer to navigate around using shortcut keys over the mouse where possible.  One of the things I really like about Eclipse is that it is incredible support for shortcut keys.  I've used other IDEs and its one of my biggest criticisms.  They are incomplete, bizarrely mapped, or completely lacking common functionality, with no way to change them.  You'll find that just about every menu pick and even some hidden functionality is accessible from the keyboard.  And for menu picks that are not mapped to shorcut keys you can often set one up in the preferences as long as the action is defined properly in the plugin.  For the most part, OEA tries to follow the same shortcuts that are defined for similar functionality in other plugins, but this isn't always possible, so you might find a few that aren't "quite what I expect".

So here are a few that I use every few seconds.  I suggest you learn this list if you don't already know them, esp. if you are a keyboard user.  You'll find this same list on various blogs for java developers, but they work for ABL code as well.

Ctrl+Shift+R  - Open Resource - This opens a dialog with a list of all the files in the workspace.  You can very quickly filter this list by typing the first few characters of the name of the file you are looking for.  The dialog supports wild cards * and ?.  Once you have filtered the list from the fill-in on the dialog, just press the down arrow and it will position you at the top of the list where you can quickly select what you need, and then press enter.  With this one dialog alone you can close the entire project view and regain all that space for viewing your code.

Alt+RightArrow and Alt+LeftArrow - Go Back and Go Forward -  These two keyboard shortcuts navigate back to the previous location in the code.  So for example, if you open a file, perform a search on a method to see the implementation, you can quickly get back to the previous location in the code by pressing Alt+Shift+RightArrow.  Eclipse maintains a history of locations so you can repeatedly jump back and forth between two pieces of code very quickly.  This works within and across files.

Ctrl+O - Open Quick Outline - This opens a dialog that shows all the code structures within the current file.  As with open resource it supports wild cards and selecting structures by just pressing the down arrow.  The dialog will also show inherited members if you press Ctrl+O again while the dialog is open.  This way if you are using a class you can see which methods/properties/events are available in the super class.

Ctlr+E - Open Editor List - This opens a small window overlay that shows the list of open files.  From here you can use the keyboard to select which file you want.

Ctrl+space - Show context assistance -  I can't leave this one off.  This shows the list of possible completions for what you are currently typing.  By default it gets invoked just by pressing ".".  I usually turn off the auto invocation of this one from the preferences so that end of lines don't open this by accident.  I honestly don't think I type most of the keywords or even methods and variable names in either ABL or java.

There are way too many list.  This is my "short list" that I use constantly.  You can dig through the preferences if you want to see all of them.  One thing to note is that shortcut key are "scoped" to the view.  This means that every single view in eclipse may have its own set, not just the editors.  If you want to see what is available, there is a shortcut key that invokes a hidden window overlay called "list shortcut keys".  You can open this by pressing Ctrl+Shift+L.  On the editor this lists dozens of shortcut keys.  You can invoke the command using just the arrow keys and pressing enter.

Thoughts?  Comments?  Questions?

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Posted by Admin on 05-Jan-2012 20:45

mbaker schrieb:

Having worked with Eclipse for several years now I thought it would be valuable to anyone using OEA, or Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge as its now called, to know about some things that I find useful.  Some of this may be common knowledge, but you never know.  So feel free to expand on whatever I post here.  You can find any of this in the documentation if you are looking for it, but sometimes its helpful just to call it out.  I know lots of people read the forums, and hopefully anyone reading this will learn something that will make them a bit more productive.

Hey Matt,

certainly useful. CTRL-SHIFT-R, CTRL-O are rock stars. CTRL-. (dot) is also pretty helpful, to jump to lines with errors, CTRL-M to maximze the current editor.

I've put together some articles on our blog a while ago:   (hotkeys)  (preference)    (customization made simple)

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