Running 11.2.1 prowin32.exe on 11.1 PDSOE

Posted by davidkerkhofs3 on 02-Jun-2013 16:46


does anybody know of an easy way to run 11.2.1 prowin32.exe on a 11.1 PDSOE?

The workspace I rebuilt from 11.1 in 11.2 suffers from a CPU theft by javaw.exe. I have a call open for it with TechSupport.

In the meantime I was getting along with the 11.1 Developer Studio.

But due to the current change to 11.2.1 I'm now obliged to compile the code in 11.2.1 (dataserver compatibility for unified .r code).

For this reason I would like to tweak my 11.1 Developer Studio so that it can use the prowin32.exe from 11.2.1.

Any help/insight greatly appreciated.

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Posted by asthomas on 03-Jun-2013 02:38

So I am one the only one who sees the CPU usage and computer fan work overtime when PDSOE 11.2 is started...

What are TechSupport saying about this?

Regards / Med Venlig Hilsen 

Thomas Hansen


Posted by davidkerkhofs3 on 03-Jun-2013 04:00

They ask me to be patient.

I'm still not sure if that is the final answer! (but the case is still open, so they are looking into it)

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