Unable To Start OE Web Server in PDSOE

Posted by cjohnston on 12-Aug-2013 16:41


Today it seems no matter what I do I can't start my OE web server or tomcat web server. I'm seeing similar symptoms as discussed in this article: http://knowledgebase.progress.com/articles/Article/000039094

Unlike the case in that article, I'm not able to start any of my web servers from anywhere. They all show as 'Not running' in the OpenEdge explorer. When I try to start any from PDSOE, it freezes at 23% on 'Starting restmgr1...' and after a few minutes the timeout popup appears.

I've tried restarting my computer, updating Java, and following the instructions from that knowledge base article to edit the ubroker.properties file. Does anyone have any suggestions?

All Replies

Posted by mgarimid on 12-Aug-2013 21:50


Can you please check how many war files exist in /servers/tomcat/webapps folder. If you have more than 6 or 7 then OE Webservers start takes times. In this case you have to increase the OE webservers timeout time from 60 sec to 300sec or more and try to start...

Thanks and Regards

Mogileswara Rao

Posted by Ganesh Cherivirala on 12-Aug-2013 22:20

Hi, Could you try starting the server from proenv. i.e. protc start.Regards,Ganesh

Posted by knangunu on 13-Aug-2013 02:25


After restarting PDSOE sometimes there will be some java processes running. If that is the case, can you please kill them from the taskManager and try to start/restart the rest manager.

Also, can you please confirm that you have updated the [REST] section of ubroker.properties files by setting webServerAut value to 1.

Posted by cjohnston on 13-Aug-2013 12:27


Thank you very much for the quick replies.

Mogileswara - I've increased the timeout to 300 seconds and it hasn't helped. PDSOE actually now produces an HttpException popup instead of the standard timeout popup I was getting before.

Ganesh - I appear to have manually started the Tomcat server from the command line as you mentioned, as after entering that command I get the 'Tomcat is now running on port: ' message. When I go to localhost: in Chrome, the page says 'Oops! Chrome could not connect to localhost:'. In the java window that opens after I enter the command, I'm seeing a 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: out of heap space' message. I'm in the process of investigating this, and have already tried a couple of solutions from StackOverflow etc.

Kiran - The problem still occurs right after I restart my PC, so there would be no old Java processes running. I have set webServerAuth=1 in the ubroker.properties file.

Please let me know if you have any more suggestions, thank you!

Posted by mgarimid on 13-Aug-2013 12:39

HI Cameron,

Can you please try this on your browser


replace nbhydmgarimid7 with your system name before lauching on browser.

please share the response for this url.

Thanks and Regards

Mogileswara Rao

Posted by cjohnston on 13-Aug-2013 12:46

Here's the response when I entered that URL:

{"error":{"text":"CONNECT FAILURE: The REST Manager may not be running.","source":"FATHOM","number":"0","stack":"[]"}}

EDIT: Turns out I typed the name of my PC in upper case instead of lower case, and that makes a difference. After entering the correct URL with my PC name in lower case, the page seems to be loading forever as it has been for over 15 minutes now.

Posted by mgarimid on 13-Aug-2013 14:23

This is a known bug, which OEM team is working on it for 11.4.0

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