html-encode and decode

Posted by lace28 on 04-Nov-2008 11:44

I found a function called html-encode but haven't found anything that decodes an html-encoded string.


If my URL looks like<

The get-field("var1") function in my code returns 12345.

&lt; represents the symbol < so I'd expect to see it but I don't.

Any ideas?

Thank you.

All Replies

Posted by lace28 on 04-Nov-2008 11:50

Looks like the progress website is decoding my code already because it's not a

Posted by Matt Baker on 04-Nov-2008 12:21

In webspeed, cgiutils.i contains several utility functions for dealing with encoded strings. In addition to html-encode there are also url-encode and url-decode. These two functions are probably what you are looking for.

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