Custom login form

Posted by jmls on 05-May-2011 15:50

If I have a directory that is protected in apache by an AuthType Basic, is there any way of getting apache to redirect to a custom login form if the credentials are not already set ? I want to remove the standard crappy login form and use my own.


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Posted by Admin on 06-May-2011 06:42


How can I change what the password box looks like?

The dialog that pops up for the user to enter their username and password is ugly. It contains text that you did not indicate that you wanted in there. It looks different in Internet Explorer and Netscape, and contains different text. And it asks for fields that the user might not understand - for example, Netscape asks the user to type in their ``User ID'', and they might not know what that means. Or, you might want to provide additional explanatory text so that the user has a better idea what is going on.

Unfortunately, these things are features of the browser, and cannot be controlled from the server side. If you want the login to look different, then you will need to implement your own authentication scheme. There is no way to change what this login box looks like if you are using basic authentication.

Posted by jmls on 06-May-2011 07:15

Bugger. Thanks.

On May 6, 2011 12:42 PM, "Marian Edu"

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