ODBC Driver issues

Posted by Admin on 22-Feb-2007 10:17

Hello there,

I'm not a Progress developer, but I'm using Progress from some .Net applications through ODBC connection and having some problems.

I need to query the _File table, and when I'm querying

select "_File-name", "_Desc" from pub."_File"

I have the error:

=== SQL Exception 1 ===



:Column Desc in table PUB.File has value exceeding its max length or precision.

(This happens in SQL Explorer too).

When I export a .df from this database, I notice that the DESCRIPTION of one table is ~200 chars. In the dictionary this field has 144 chars. Anyway to workaround this problem without doing some modifications to the database?

Thanks in Advance,

Eric Lemes

All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 22-Feb-2007 11:40

This is actually a database issue, not a programming issue, so you might want to try on a different forum for more appropriate readers.

There is a SQL Width field in the _Field table which can be set differently than the width to handle this.

There is also a tool in some versions of Progress which will go through the database and adjust SQL width for you to match the overly long strings, but I haven't used it so you will either have to find it in the documentation or wait for someone else to tell you how to use it.

The other option, of course, is just to edit the description!

Posted by Alon Blich on 22-Feb-2007 12:11

I don't have a recent version to try it out right now, but have you looked at the SYSTABLES, SYSCOLUMNS, SYSINDEXES SQL system catalog tables ? Though, I'm not sure it has something similar to _Desc.

BTW wouldn't it be useful to have a startup parameter that would truncate values instead of throwing errors ?

Posted by Admin on 23-Feb-2007 12:46

Thanks for your help.

I'll try another forum.

I think that if I can "set" this width through ODBC, my problem is solved.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 23-Feb-2007 13:11

Really, do a little searching in the docs. There is a tool which will just fix it for you.

Posted by svi on 23-Feb-2007 13:22

Check this out: http://tinyurl.com/3x5h4b

Options 1 and 2

And the -checkwidth startup parameter: http://tinyurl.com/35xwwx


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