Using System Colours

Posted by d.cook on 22-Jun-2007 02:08

I'm kind of getting bored with the standard 15 colours in the colour table.. and was wondering if there's any way to reference a system colour.

For example, in Windows the 3D-Objects is a light greyish colour, unless you're using the XP theme and it's more of a yellow. Apart from using the three-d attribute, is there another way to use this, and other system colours? Eg Application Background, ToolTip, Selected Items.

All Replies

Posted by mill on 03-Jul-2007 03:21

&global-define COLOR_scrollbar 0

&global-define COLOR_background 1

&global-define COLOR_activeCaption 2

&global-define COLOR_inactivecaption 3

&global-define COLOR_menu 4

&global-define COLOR_window 5

&global-define COLOR_windowFrame 6

&global-define COLOR_menuText 7

&global-define COLOR_windowText 8

&global-define COLOR_captionText 9

&global-define COLOR_activeBorder 10

&global-define COLOR_inactiveBorder 11

&global-define COLOR_appWorkspace 12

&global-define COLOR_highlight 13

&global-define COLOR_highlightText 14

&global-define COLOR_btnFace 15

&global-define COLOR_btnShadow 16

&global-define COLOR_grayText 17

&global-define COLOR_btnText 18

&global-define COLOR_inactiveCaptionText 19

&global-define COLOR_btnHighlight 20

/************************************* Vars *******************************************/

define var vrgb as int no-undo.

/************************************* Widgets ****************************************/

/************************************* Frame ******************************************/

/************************************* Triggers****************************************/



    • Trigger Widget:


    • Description:



/************************************* Main *******************************************/

run create in vIniFile.

run main.


procedure main:

run GetSysColor IN hpApi (, output vrgb).


color-table:set-rgb-value( 15, vrgb).

run GetSysColor IN hpApi (, output vrgb).


color-table:set-rgb-value( 7, vrgb).

run GetSysColor IN hpApi (, output vrgb).


color-table:set-rgb-value( 8, vrgb).

run GetSysColor IN hpApi (, output vrgb).


color-table:set-rgb-value( 0, vrgb).

run newColour( , 128, 255, 255 ).

run newColour( , 217, 255, 217 ).

/*run GetSysColor IN hpApi (3, output vrgb).


color-table:set-rgb-value( , vrgb). */

run newColour( , 122, 150, 223 ).

/* run GetSysColor IN hpApi (13, output vrgb).


color-table:set-rgb-value( , vrgb). */

run newColour( , 49, 106, 196 ).

run newColour( , 214, 223, 245 ).

/* run GetSysColor IN hpApi (27, output vrgb).


color-table:set-rgb-value( , vrgb). */

run newColour( , 61, 149, 255 ).

run newColour( , 0, 191, 255 ).

run newColour( , 0, 206, 209 ).

run newColour( , 0, 250, 154 ).

run newColour( , 0, 255, 127 ).

run newColour( , 32, 178, 170 ).

run newColour( , 70, 130, 180 ).

run newColour( , 100, 149, 237 ).

run newColour( , 102, 205, 170 ).

run newColour( , 127, 255, 212 ).

run newColour( , 135, 206, 235 ).

run newColour( , 147, 112, 219 ).

run newColour( , 176, 196, 222 ).

run newColour( , 188, 143, 143 ).

run newColour( , 189, 183, 107 ).

run newColour( , 205, 133, 63 ).

run newColour( , 205, 92, 92 ).

run newColour( , 210, 105, 30 ).

run newColour( , 210, 180, 140 ).

run newColour( , 218, 165, 32 ).

run newColour( , 219, 112, 147 ).

run newColour( , 221, 160, 221 ).

run newColour( , 222, 184, 135 ).

run newColour( , 230, 230, 250 ).

run newColour( , 233, 150, 122 ).

run newColour( , 238, 232, 170 ).

run newColour( , 240, 255, 255 ).

run newColour( , 250, 128, 114 ).

run newColour( , 250, 235, 215 ).

run newColour( , 250, 250, 210 ).

run newColour( , 255, 160, 122 ).

run newColour( , 255, 215, 0 ).

run newColour( , 255, 218, 185 ).

run newColour( , 255, 228, 225 ).

run newColour( , 255, 255, 224 ).

run newColour( , 238, 130, 238 ).

run newColour( , 240, 230, 140 ).

run newColour( , 250, 240, 230 ).

run newColour( , 128, 128, 128 ).

run newColour( , 192, 192, 192 ).

run newColour( , 242, 242, 242 ).


put-key-value color all no-error.




    • I N C L U D E


    • File: include/colours.i


    • Author: Chris Paulson


    • Date: 13-Sep-96


    • Description: Defines system colours (as words)

    • Called by:


    • Calls:


    • Mod history:


    • PSM 27-Mar-2003

    • New colours.


    • JMM 29/07/04

    • New colours


    • PSM 24-Aug-04

    • Yellow mix up.





    • Include parameters:-



&if defined(colours-include) eq 0 &then

&global-define colours-include

&global-define black 0

&global-define darkBlue 1

&global-define darkGreen 2

&global-define darkCyan 3

&global-define darkRed 4

&global-define darkPink 5

&global-define darkYellow 6

&global-define darkGrey 7

&global-define lightGrey 8

&global-define lightBlue 9

&global-define lightGreen 10

&global-define lightCyan 11

&global-define lightRed 12

&global-define lightPink 13

&global-define Yellow 14

&global-define white 15

&global-define lightYellowPlus 16

&global-define lightCyanPlus 17

&global-define lightGreenPlus 18

&global-define windowsBlue 19

&global-define InactiveWindowsBlue 20

&global-define LightInactiveWindowsBlue 21

&global-define LightFrame 22

&global-define FrameBackground 23

&global-define DeepSkyBlue 24

&global-define DarkTurquoise 25

&global-define MediumSpringGreen 26

&global-define SpringGreen 27

&global-define LightSeaGreen 28

&global-define SteelBlue 29

&global-define CornFlowerBlue 30

&global-define MediumAquamarine 31

&global-define Aquamarine 32

&global-define SkyBlue 33

&global-define MediumPurple 34

&global-define LightSteelBlue 35

&global-define RosyBrown 36

&global-define DarkKhaki 37

&global-define Peru 38

&global-define IndianRed 39

&global-define Chocolate 40

&global-define Tan 41

&global-define GoldenRod 42

&global-define PaleVioletRed 43

&global-define Plum 44

&global-define Burlywood 45

&global-define Lavender 46

&global-define DarkSalmon 47

&global-define PaleGoldenRod 48

&global-define Azure 49

&global-define Salmon 50

&global-define AntiqueWhite 51

&global-define LightGoldenRod 52

&global-define LightSalmon 53

&global-define Gold 54

&global-define PeachPuff 55

&global-define MistyRose 56

&global-define LightYellow 57

&global-define Violet 58

&global-define Khaki 59

&global-define Linen 60

&global-define Grey 61

&global-define Silver 62

&global-define veryLightGrey 63

procedure NewColour:

define input param pNum as int no-undo.

define input param pRed as int no-undo.

define input param pGreen as int no-undo.

define input param pBlue as int no-undo.

if pNum


if color-table:num-entries <> 256 then

color-table:num-entries = 256.

color-table:set-dynamic(pNum, yes).

color-table:set-rgb-value(pNum, rgb-value(pRed, pGreen, pBlue)).




/****************************** END INCLUDE *************************************/

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