dotNet Compatible MD5 Hashing

Posted by chadthomson on 16-Aug-2007 10:00

OE 10.0B05


In the application I am supporting, I have a need to receive an XML message from a dotNet application.

The packet/transport of data does not necessarily need to be encrypted, but the current design has the packet containing a "string" that will be validated by the OE application. Should the string be validated the request will continue.

In an effort to produce a quick solution, I chose to the OE MD5-Digest function, thinking "... surely, since MD5 is a standard, we'll both produce the same hash".

Here is a snippet of what I'm dealing with:

Notice the resulting strings are very similar. The OE version is padded with "020010".

What is this padding?

Why is it there?

Any suggestions regarding simple hashing that would be dotNet compatible would be appreciated.


All Replies

Posted by svi on 22-Aug-2007 10:36

"020010" is prepended because you are using the string function on a raw field.

Try this:

/* */

def var x as raw.

def var y as longchar.

def var z as char.

x = md5-digest("asdf").

y = hex-encode(x).

z = y.

display z format "x(40)".

/* */

Hope it helps

Posted by chadthomson on 22-Aug-2007 12:33

Thanks, Salvador.

"020010" is prepended because you are using the

string function on a raw field.

This answers the first part of my question.

In your example, you use the HEX-ENCODE function.

I don't believe this function exists under v10.0B.

I would most-likely be receiving the md5 digest into a memptr (or char).

In v10.0B, how would you recommend that I compare two MD5 values -- one from OpenEdge and the other from an in-bound "char" value?


Perhaps there is another hashing technique that both is common to ABL and web clients (dotNet, etc)?

Posted by svi on 23-Aug-2007 07:52

Yes, HEX-ENCODE/DECODE were introduced in 10.1A.

With a release prior to 10.1A you could do the equivalent of the ABL HEX-ENCODE function:

Extract each byte of the raw variable used to hold the result of the md5-digest function and convert it to two hexadecimal digits. to be appended to a char variable. Something like:

/* */

def var x as raw.

def var y as char.

def var d as char init "0123456789abcdef".

def var i as int.

def var b as int.

def var d0 as int.

def var d1 as int.

x = md5-digest("asdf").

y = "".

do i = 1 to length(x):

b = getbyte (x, i).

d0 = trunc (b / 16, 0).

d1 = b mod 16.

y = y + substr(d, d0 + 1, 1) + substr(d, d1 + 1, 1).


display y format "x(40)".

/* */


Posted by chadthomson on 27-Aug-2007 09:41

Yes, HEX-ENCODE/DECODE were introduced in 10.1A.

With a release prior to 10.1A you could do the

equivalent of the ABL HEX-ENCODE function:

Extract each byte of the raw variable used to hold

the result of the md5-digest function and convert it

to two hexadecimal digits. to be appended to a char

variable. Something like:

Thanks. This will work nicely.


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