Sql within progress

Posted by Admin on 12-Mar-2008 18:30

elllo there everyone I have a problem with sql within progress. I am using 10.1a and trying to pass run a sql command using a sql communication tool a coworker built. the format looks like this

RUN Comm\msql-dataserv.p(INPUT STRING("SELECT subfile_id, file_path, file_name

FROM web_pub_subfile WHERE (info_card_id =

( SELECT info_card_id

FROM tdc_doc_infocard WHERE (access_category_id IN

( SELECT access_category_id

FROM tdc_doc_accesscattype WHERE (vault_name NOT LIKE '%arc%')

AND (vault_name NOT LIKE '%dft%')))

AND (document_num = 'vDocument')))"),

OUTPUT TABLE tt-row, OUTPUT vError).

except the vDocument I highlighted should pass the literal of the variable vDocument insted it only gets vDocument on the other side. Any help?

I guess it is not really a sql problem but allright, thanks in advace


All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 12-Mar-2008 18:53

Well ... the first comment is to discourage you from using SQL in this context at all. SQL from within ABL is SQL-89 and is deprecated and missing a great many things from the SQL-92 that one uses on recent versions outside the ABL.

Second, I wonder why you would expect the value to be substituted in a phrase like this. One can do things like

"Some text and a nubmer = " + string(AnInteger) + " and yet some more text"

where AnInteger is a variable with a value, for example, of 99 and end up with a string

Some text and a number = 99 and yet some more text"

which might be more like what you want to do .... given what you are trying to do.

But, all things considered, I would look into dynamic queries for an application like this and do the whole thing in ABL and end up with predictable results.

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