Updateable browse problem

Posted by Admin on 30-Mar-2009 16:11

I am having issues using two browse objects in main and sub program. I am using Progress V9, CHUI. I'm thinking it has to do with the multiple 'wait-for' statements  (one in my main program and one in my sub program)  but I don't know what the fix is.

I have a main procedure (let's call it "main.p")  that defines an updateable browse "A1". Based on user input, the procedure then runs a sub program "sub.p". The sub-program defines another updateable browse "B1". My problem is that in "sub.p" the "B1" object is not allowing update to the field I enabled. It just displays the detail data and doesn't navigate anywhere.

If I run "sub.p" in the editor and  comment out the input parameter definitions i can get the browser to work just fine. Any help is appreciated.

All Replies

Posted by egarcia on 31-Mar-2009 10:48


It looks like the second browse widget is not being enabled.

Are you specifying a name for the frame?

Is the frame for the second browse widget defined as a dialog box?

I have attached a test program to this post.

The test program uses two browse widgets.

In the test I used UPDATE and ENABLE/WAIT-FOR to show that you can use either

to enable and wait for events.

Hope this helps.

P.S.: Are you working on UNIX or on Windows with the character client?

Posted by Admin on 31-Mar-2009 11:36

Thank you for the response, I really appreciate your help.   I am in an AIX CHUI environment with Progress v9.

What I'm trying to do is this, ask users to select a group of records to update and then bring up another browse with detail (based on source name user selects) records to update.  I'm using two different temp-tables with two browses.

I have attached a word doc with screen shots of my current in-process programs. Any additional coding tips would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by Admin on 31-Mar-2009 12:37

I was able to get my program working off of your sample code. Thank you so much!

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