Overloaded Web Service Method - 10.2A

Posted by dbeattie on 14-Sep-2009 13:48

I'm try to use an overloaded method within a Web Service that the government developed: https://interop.cmiservices.org/axis/services/CAP1_1?wsdl

When you run bprowsdldoc against the web service above, you get one definition for postCAPAlert. I've been using that definition for the last few months without any issues. However if you look in the WSDL or if you add the WSDL to a .NET project, you see that there are two methods. I now need access to this second method of the same name, but I'm not sure how to do that.

Method 1: postCAPAlert(in0)

Method 2: postCAPAlert(in0, in1)

in0 is an Alert and in0 is an array of SimpleCOG. I tried sending in two parameters, but I get a mismatched parameters error.

Any suggestions or help on how to get this working from within the ABL would be appreciated.



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