WARNING: Executable statement at line 4711 of file test.p wi

Posted by Admin on 02-Oct-2009 04:24

I really love these messages!

Just two concerns:

1.) The ADM2 source code still has some locations where this message is generated ;-)

2.) The message is helpful when doing a compile, from OEA, the COMPILE statement or the application compiler (which uses the COMPILE statement). It's really anoying during a runtime compile (dev environment).

Is there a way to turn of these messages (other than eliminating the cause of the warning)?

All Replies

Posted by Peter Judge on 02-Oct-2009 08:30

1.) The ADM2 source code still has some locations where this message is


Not for much longer

Is there a way to turn of these messages (other than eliminating the cause of

the warning)?

SESSION:SUPPRESS-WARNINGS = true might work (although that might be too big a hammer for this particular nail).

-- peter

Posted by ChUIMonster on 02-Oct-2009 08:43

Isn't that exactly what that particular hammer is for?

BTW, it does work

Like this:

session:suppress-warnings = true.

run ./test.p

where test.p is something along these lines:

do transaction:
  do transaction:



Posted by Admin on 02-Oct-2009 09:30

SESSION:SUPPRESS-WARNINGS = true might work (although that might be too big a hammer for this particular nail).


I did want to mention exactly that!


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