Solving Application Problems with Structured Error Handling

Posted by Admin on 02-Oct-2009 14:53

I've seen the announcement for the WebEx in a couple of weeks about structured error handling.

This reminds me of the following topic: Using structured error handling it is still not fully possible (turning it into impossible for generic functions) to implement a custom error message dialog in a CATCH block. Anybody aware of the .NET error message dialog? I shows the error message and allows the user to "enlarge" the dialog and display additional detail (like stack information). The dialog has a number of buttons as options for the (already disturbed) user:




I'd love to be able to implement this in the ABL as well! I'd like to display the stack trace, have some options (the above + RE-Throw) depending on the type of user etc.

Due to the limitation of not being able to have WAIT-FOR statements in non VOID methods it is not predictable if you can run the required WAIT-FOR oForm:ShowDialog() . And even worse there is absolutely no way to detect if you are able to run the WAIT-FOR statement; the call stack won't tell you and you can't handle the situation (like first try WAIT-FOR oForm:ShowDialog and when it fails use the MESSAGE as an alternative).

So finally in commonly used methods (framework routines) you end up showing the message using a boring MESSAGE statement, disallowing the display of structured message details!

I ended up implementing the custom message dialog in a .NET assembly and having a custom C# routine that runs the ShowDialog method with has been implemented in C# code. I'd prefer to be able to implement this without writing custom C# code.

Sarah, is that something you could come up with an alternative solution during the WebEx?

All Replies

Posted by sarahm on 05-Oct-2009 09:13

Hi Mike,

Having only given it 3 seconds of thought so far, I can only promise that I'll try!  But I will certainly think about it more...


Posted by Admin on 05-Oct-2009 09:38

Hello Sarah,

don't hesitate to contact me if you wish more background on the issue or think it's complete nonsense!


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