Leave trigger in a form

Posted by ojfoggin on 27-Nov-2009 09:05

Hi All,

I'm trying to hack a form to add a single field in it and I'm about to fall out with character interface.

I have three linked tables.

Customer - CustInd - Industry

Linked by Customer.kaccount - custind.kaccount custind.kindcode - industry.kindcode

We will only have a 1 to 1 relation between customer and industry.  These tables were written a while ago but never used.

Anyway...  in the existing customer maintenance form I have added in a display/update field for CustInd.kindcode.

When the user then leaves that field I want to find an industry record for the kindcode.  If one doesn't exist then error.  If it does exist then display the description of it.

I know how to do the find, display etc... but how do you trigger it to do this when the user leaves the field?

The only way I can think is to say...

if keyfunction(lastkey) = "tab" or "return" or "cursor-down" or every other navigation button... etc (pseudo code).

Is there an easier way than this?



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