ProDataSet - WRITE-XML

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 19-Jun-2008 17:01


Ok, I have a ProDataSet with two tables. One table contains recursive data. The ProDataSet will not let me define the table as both recursive and nested so I have it as recursive only. Unfortunately, the WRITE-XML method refuses to write the recursive data in a nested format.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a work-around? Am I missing the point?


All Replies

Posted by Robin Brown on 23-Jun-2008 12:10

Since the ProDataSet does not support RECURSIVE navigation (you have to code it yourself using recrusive procedures), WRITE-XML will not give you what you want. You need to use recursive navigation procedures and produce the XML through the ABL DOM or SAX interfaces.

If you generate recursive XML that contains duplication of records (parts occur in multiple assemblies, for example), this might cause problems for READ-XML. READ-XML is basically an import into the temp-tables, and you'd need to deal with the duplication of data. The read-mode of "merge" or "replace" can help with unique key conflicts.

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 25-Jun-2008 17:00

Before I go re-inventing the wheel, has anyone written code to do this that they can share?

This = Receive a PDS handle that contains recursive relationships and marshall to XML.

Posted by Admin on 05-Feb-2010 14:07

Hi Jeff,

I am in the same scenario as you. Were you able to resolve this issue? Any code snippet would be really helpful.



Posted by Arno van der Ende on 24-Nov-2016 04:55

Submit an enhancement request/idea?

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