Web service callback problem

Posted by Admin on 22-Mar-2010 07:50


Edit: posted in wrong forum first, this belongs better in the ABL forum.

I got a problem with calling the same web service multiple times. What I need to do is loop through a number of open sessions and close them.

I basically got 2 different abl programs to do this.

(I'm kind of pseudo-coding here for readability)

The problem is that on the second iteration I get error 11574: Could not process callback: invalid procedure handle for the callback. (11574).

I'm guessing this has to do with the fact that I already set a callback procedure on the first iteration and it's still sticking. I've tried to first deleting any possible callback procedure (calling hService:SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE("REQUEST-HEADER", "")) but that doesn't seem to work.

The sign in procedure is quite similar and it works - only real difference is that I'm working with RESPONSE-HEADER there instead.

All ideas appreciated!

Running OpenEdge 10.1C on Sun Solaris.

Best regards





hServer:CONNECT("-wsdl xxxx").

RUN webservice SET hService ON hServer.

FOR EACH session:

     RUN deleteSession.p(INPUT hService).





hService:SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE("REQUEST-HEADER", "setRequestSessionHeader").

RUN logoutWebservice IN hService(INPUT glcRequest, OUTPUT glcResponse).

Local procedure setRequestSessionHeader:


Creates a new header


All Replies

Posted by Admin on 08-Apr-2010 04:26

Update on this:

Apparently this error only occurs when running in WebSpeed 10.1C on Solaris. It seems to work when I'm running exactly the same code on Windows XP, OpenEdge 10.1C.

Any input?

Best regards


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