database import from old version!

Posted by Admin on 16-Apr-2010 09:55

Hi guys!

Im trying to access an old database left by my AWOL DBA with view to migrate data to SAGE.

This is a Progress ver. 9 DB in binary as follows; data.d1/data.db/ and data.lg

I have installed OpenEdge 10.2B but I get error as follow:

database has wrong version number (44)

Im not a DBA, but desperate to get these data asap - Is there any documented step to follow to convert/migrate this database into OpenEdge 10.2B?


All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 16-Apr-2010 11:53

Look for conv910 under DLC/bin

Posted by Admin on 17-Apr-2010 07:39

Thank Thomas, but I can't find such file - and nothing in the utility folder (bin\101dbutils),

a colleague suggested I should try download version 8.x

Is there a download link for older versions for windows?

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 17-Apr-2010 11:09

Excuse me, momentarly brain lapse.  It isn't a separate executable, but rather an option on proutil, i.e.,

proutil dbname -C conv910

Why would you want 8.x?  You said you have 9.  If you really did have 8, then you would use the 91_proutil in the 91dbutils directory to do conv89 and then use the above to get it to 10.

Either one will only take a few moments.  The result is not going to be a fully optimized DB, but if you are just harvesting data from it, you won't care about that.

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