Problem with version 10.2b02

Posted by Admin on 27-Oct-2010 10:44


We have updated the version of Progress to 10.2B02 and now gives us the following problem (before we had the 9.1E04 update and it worked perfectly!):
When you record a record and gives you an error of validation (ie that the field must have value) lets the value it had before giving the error, instead of letting the one you've written!
To see him more clearly I have put screen comparison of the two versions (10.2B and 9.1e)

Picture Version9-1.jpg: Screen to change the field "TARIFA RACK" value "RACK" to "PRUEBA2".

Picture Version9-2.jpg:When I press the button "GRABAR" to record the register, as the field's value is incorrect PRUEBA2, I dont recorded the register, logically and keeps me PRUEBAt2 value in the "TARIFA RACK"
So far, so good, that's how it has to.
Let us now see what he does in the version 10, following the same example as above

Picture Version10-1.jpg: Same screen that Picture Version9-1.jpg

Picture Version10-2.jpg: Change de value RACK to PRUEBA2 in the field "TARIFA RACK"

Picture Version10-3.jpg:When I press the button "GRABAR" I get the same error message that the version 9 but nevertheless the TARIFA RACK  field value has changed me and has just RACK, where PRUEBA2 should stay as it does in version 9 !

It is as if the SmartObject now make an UNDO, RETURN and before (version 9) only makes RETURN

I hope that you understand what I mean because my English is very bad

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 27-Oct-2010 12:00

I see that the  SDO have a new property Use No-UNDO for RowObject, but I checked and I doest not work!!!

Posted by Admin on 27-Oct-2010 12:23

When your application is based on ADM2, the safest migration is to use the version 9 ADM2 on OE10. Just copy DLC/src/adm2 from V9 to your V10 propath.

Posted by Admin on 28-Oct-2010 01:31

Hi Mike,

I have done  (Just copy DLC/src/adm2 from V9 to your V10 propath), but nothing, still not working!
To that serves the property that are in the SDO, "Use NO-UNDO for RowObject"? Because I thought it was to fix me just what is happening to me, but I did not do anything, no matter what the check or not, does the same thing

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