Recursively adding files to a library

Posted by jmls on 12-Apr-2011 02:33

I think prolib should be able to recursively add files to a library.

Oh well.

This is a simple script which works for me. Run it from the root folder of your project, replacing the names of the library and file extensions that you want to use.

It creates both the standard library and a shared-memory version

@echo off

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set DLC=c:\progress\openedge


DEL /F /Q %LIB% shm-%LIB%

prolib %LIB% -create

for /R %%c in (*.i;*.r;*/jpg;*.bmp;*.ico) do (

set abspath=%%~fc

call set "relpath=%%abspath:%cd%\=%%"

prolib %LIB% -add !relpath!

@echo Added file !relpath! to library


prolib %LIB% -makeshared shm-%LIB%

All Replies

Posted by jankeir on 12-Apr-2011 03:50

If I'm not mistaking it's much faster to build a .pf containing a list of files you want to add to the pl (one on each line) and then

prolib %LIB% -add -pf

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