Sax-reader for JSON

Posted by Admin on 05-May-2011 08:16

I need to parse a JSON response and return a specific element.

Is there something similar to the SAX-READER for JSON content? - or is there a better way of doing it than simply reading through the JSON string?


Openedge 10.2B 02.

All Replies

Posted by Peter Judge on 05-May-2011 08:18

chrisrichardson wrote:

I need to parse a JSON response and return a specific element.

Is there something similar to the SAX-READER for JSON content? - or is there a better way of doing it than simply reading through the JSON string?


Openedge 10.2B 02.

See javascript:; thread for more.

-- peter

Posted by Admin on 05-May-2011 09:31


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