Deserializing JSON to an Object

Posted by cgladue on 03-Jun-2013 16:38

Im new to Progress OO Programming but familier with C# and the .NET side of things...  I Have a JSON String that gets submitted to Webspeed and want to parse it into an Object/Dataset/Temptable or whatever you reccomend is the best way.  the string would look similar to the following



        {"name": "getProfile1"},

        {"name": "getProfile2"},

        {"name": "getProfile3"},


    "cardNum": "00109926",

    "pin": "1234"


i cannot for the life of me figure out the correect schema to build (temp table/ dataset / etc) to get this to de-serialize correctly. 

Would anyone have any suggestions on the schema to build and the commend to deserialize correctly ?

thank you !!

All Replies

Posted by twc on 03-Jun-2013 18:45


Summary:  ABL requires an array of objects.  Translation:  Frequently the incoming JSON format must be modified. 

With the correct JSON format and correct temp-table defined, it is as simple as:

     temp-table tRequest:read-json("FILE","request.json").  /* assuming file request.json holds the json. */

But, you already know that (posted for others).  To generate a json file the ABL will handle "as is", start out with the temp-table you want, or you think you want, add a few records to it and then run:

     temp-table tRequest:write-json("FILE","request.json",yes).

Compare the differences between your incoming format and the ABL output.  (BTW, the string posted does not parse correctly at a site I find very helpful: ). 

ABL expects json to be formatted in a certain fashion.  Check out the manual "Working with JSON" (v11.2 manual since your version was not posted) and understand the difference between an "arrays" and "objects".  Arrays can hold objects and vise-versa.  An ABL temp-table expects an array of objects.  The array name is the temp-table and each object is a temp-table row.

If you want your temp-table/fields to have different names than the json, see "serialize-name" attribute (on both temp-table and temp-table fields).

Hope this gets you started in the right direction.


Sample Sports2000 code:

define temp-table tDepartment no-undo like Department.

for each Department no-lock:

   create tDepartment.

   buffer-copy Department to tDepartment.


   /* optional 3rd parameter, formatted, is only set to yes

      for illustration - in production, don't use or set to no

      to keep the json "lighter weight" */

temp-table tDepartment:write-json("FILE","Department.json",yes).

Display file Department.json:

{"tDepartment": [


    "DeptCode": "100",

    "DeptName": "Consulting"



    "DeptCode": "200",

    "DeptName": "Administration"



    "DeptCode": "300",

    "DeptName": "Marketing"



    "DeptCode": "400",

    "DeptName": "Sales"



    "DeptCode": "500",

    "DeptName": "Training"



    "DeptCode": "600",

    "DeptName": "Development"



    "DeptCode": "700",

    "DeptName": "Finance"



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