input through on windows 7

Posted by jmls on 06-Mar-2012 15:53

11.0, windows 7

I've known that this works for quite some time (10.1 at least, I think, or possibly even since XP came on the scene) but does anyone know how to supress the black window that pops up (and shows nothing) ?

here's some sample code to show what I mean: note the black window that pops up and disappers *before* the first message box

def var Line1 as char no-undo.

input through value("dir && set") . /** run dir and set in the same process */


  import unformatted Line1.

  message Line1 view-as alert-box.


input close. 

All Replies

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 15-Mar-2012 01:08

Just curious Julian, did you find a solution for this?

Posted by jmls on 15-Mar-2012 01:12

unfortunately, not yet.

Posted by Admin on 15-Mar-2012 01:26

How about dropping the ABL stream completly and use a

System.Diagnostic.Process (

to run your external command (which may execute asynchronously or not if you prefer) and acquire the StdOut Steam reference from the .NET Process object? You can read the stream in the ProcessCompleted event, if you demand synchronous execution, then use the WaitForExit() method of the Process object.

Check our blog for the samples of last year's "Extreme Windows Desktop Integration" presentation and don't miss this year's PUG Challenge Americas presentation for the sequel... (you may have to ask Tom that we're not overlapping this time)

Basically you create a ProcessStartInfo structure, assion FileName, Arguments, WorkingDirectory, RedirectStandardOutput = TRUE, UseShellExecute = FALSE, Start() the Process Object, WaitForExit() on the Process Object and then oProcess:StandardOutput:ReadToEnd().

I hope your "dir" command was just an example, because using System.IO.Directory:GetFiles () is a much better option here too.

Posted by jmls on 15-Mar-2012 01:36

I am writing a set of classes to use the JIRA api , and wanted the source to be platform-agnostic. I didn't want to have to use sockets, and a quick win was to be able to use curl from a command line. Using input-through meant that I didn't have to write different code for windows and *nix.

But, hey. Such is life.

I will probably write a class using system.process for windows, and input-through for *nix. That's not such a bad thing

Thanks for the info.

Oh, yes, we'll have to make sure that Tom knows which side his bread is buttered on

Posted by Admin on 15-Mar-2012 01:46

I will probably write a class using system.process for windows, and input-through for *nix. That's not such a bad thing

That's what we're doing. Even we have to work without .NET once in a while On *nix AppServers or Windows AppServers on 10.2B.

Posted by AdrianJones on 15-Mar-2012 06:17

KB P6660

seems to indicate there is no ABL fix...

Status: Verified


Using the INPUT THROUGH statement causes a DOS-box to appear.

The following code shows the problem:



SET z.


FACT(s) (Environment):

Windows 32 Intel

Windows NT 32 Intel/Windows 2000

Progress 8.x

Progress 9.x

OpenEdge 10.x


Bug# 19960610-011


This issue is a result of MS Windows behavior.  For every new process,

the MS Windows OS creates a new window.


The way to suppress the created unwanted window from appearing on

screen is by using MS Windows settings to change the console window

default position to outside of the desktop.  There is no way from

Progress to make this window not to appear.

Posted by Antti on 25-Apr-2012 07:30

These could be alternate ways:

a) first a os-commad into a temp-file and then to read temp-file.

      os-command value(dir && set > temp.txt) silent.

      input from temp.txt.

b) What happens if the needed are done with  START command, where you can tell to minimize the window.

    START ["title"] [/D polku] [/I] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/SEPARATE | /SHARED]
        [/NODE ] [/AFFINITY ] [/WAIT] [/B]
         [komento/ohjelma] [parametrit]

   The curiosity with START is that you has always put the "title" berfore starting the actual programs or commands.

   Like:   start "" c:\dlc\11\bin\prowin32.exe /MIN

c) Also there is a possibility use a vbs (or jscript). I think they can be started silently (cscript /c ..) without a window.

    But learning vbs can be ... interesting.

    Windos Scripting Host is installed on windows machines (since windows 98).

    An exmple of a script to list Start Menu Folder:

But sorry, I did not have time to test these ideas.

Posted by Stefan Marquardt on 25-Apr-2012 07:50

KB P6660

seems to indicate there is no ABL fix...

Status: Verified


Using the INPUT THROUGH statement causes a DOS-box to appear.

Bug# 19960610-011


This issue is a result of MS Windows behavior.  For every new process,

the MS Windows OS creates a new window.


The way to suppress the created unwanted window from appearing on

screen is by using MS Windows settings to change the console window

default position to outside of the desktop.  There is no way from

Progress to make this window not to appear.


is everybody believing this (no way)?

As Mike proposed and i use since many years with XP, System.Diagnostics.Process run a process without opening a window.

That's my running code with input and output redirection (sorry it's only VB.NET with german comments)

Dim Anwendung As System.Diagnostics.Process = New System.Diagnostics.Process

' Die StartInfo-Struktur des Process-

' Objekts mit Informationen befllen

With Anwendung.StartInfo

.FileName = FaxExe

.CreateNoWindow =

True ' Kein Konsolenfenster erzeugen

' StandardInput, -Output und -Error umleiten:

.RedirectStandardInput =


.RedirectStandardOutput =


.RedirectStandardError =


.UseShellExecute =

False ' Pflicht bei Umleitungen

End With

' Den Befehlszeileninterpreter starten:


' StreamReader- und Writer-Objekte fr den

' Zugriff auf StdIn, StdOut und StdErr erzeugen

' ber ein StreamWriter-Objekt in StandardInput schreiben

Dim StdIn As System.IO.StreamWriter = Anwendung.StandardInput

StdIn.AutoFlush =

True ' Puffer automatisch flushen

' ber ein StreamReader-Objekt aus StandardOutput lesen

Dim StdOut As System.IO.StreamReader = Anwendung.StandardOutput

' ber ein StreamReader-Objekt aus StandardError lesen

Dim StdErr As System.IO.StreamReader = Anwendung.StandardError


"tifffile c:\hibis-dr\work\report.tif")


"comment " & Fax_Info & " (G)") ' G um den grafischen zu erkennen


' Konsolenausgabe auslesen:

Dim sOutput As String ' Konsolen-Ausgaben

Dim sError As String ' Konsolen-Fehler


sOutput = StdOut.ReadToEnd

sError = StdErr.ReadToEnd

' Streams schliessen



' Umwandlung der ASCII-Zeichen in Ansi-Codepage (Nr. 850):

sOutput = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(850).GetString(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(sOutput))

' Kommando ggf. "abschiessen":

If Not Anwendung.HasExited Then


End If

' Ressourcen des Process-Objekts freigeben



I didn't checked this with Win7 until today but assume that it will work.

Posted by bnorwine on 01-Jul-2013 14:17

have you tried  NO-ECHO ??

input through ....   no-echo.

the NO-ECHO removes the display of the results of the input through.

and much simpler than sending/retrieving from a file.

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