Mismatched buttons?

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 08-Aug-2008 18:38

Why does the UltraWinExplorerBar/CollapsibleNavigationPanel sample have a Products button at the top, but no Products option in the left column?

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Posted by Simon de Kraa on 09-Aug-2008 13:12

Demonstration quality

From the readme.out:

"This sample shows how to use and interact with a Collapsible Navigation Pane for the UltraWinExplorerBar. This sample also shows how to load objects in the UltraListView, and how to the UltraWinExplorerBar and the UltraListView could work together."

I guess that it what it demonstrates:

Example = OK.

Production quality

What should the collapsible pane show when you select the Products? Both Customer and Order both browse to Items. There is nu subselection for Products... So it shouldn't be on the Explorer Bar.


The Products functionality is more like an Inventory List per Product Group... So it shouldn't be on the Explorer Bar.

Example = OK.

On the other hand...

If you choose Order from the toolbar you get the Orderlines from the first Order... If you choose Customers from the toolbar you get the Orders from the first Customer...? What kind of functionality is this?


You must always go right back to the main selection from the navigation pane to make a new selection...


What are Items doing in the Customer Order list...

Example is NOK.

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