Adding inheritted components to the toolbox

Posted by Admin on 19-Aug-2008 03:30

I could as well log a bug and request this as an enhancement, but I'll give the forum a try first.

Controls are one thing that you can put on the design canvas in the visual designer. The other thing are Components. Components (like the binding source, the UltraToolbarsManager, etc.) are shown below the actual design Form in that yellow space.

It is possible to create ABL classes that inherit from the .NET component. But I can't add them to the toolbox like inheritting controls. Even though I am pretty sure, that they still implement the IComponent interface (interfaces don't get lost during inheritance).

I don't actually except that this is a bug (i.e. the software not behaving as intended by the designer), more that this is a missing feature, right? Any plans for this feature for FCS?

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Posted by Admin on 04-Sep-2008 10:50

Logged as work request number: W809040066

This thread is closed