Is there any magic command in the Application:run to only run one instance of any particular form ?
If not, could I declare a static property that holds the form object and set that property the first time the form is initialized ?
* jmls buggers off to find out for himself.
Is there any magic command in the Application:run to
only run one instance of any particular form ?
If not, could I declare a static property that holds
the form object and set that property the first time
the form is initialized ?
That's how I do that. The constructor set's the property to itself (THIS-OBJECT) and the static property throws an exception (sorry an error class that inherits from AppError) when the property already has a value. The routine level error handling than prevents the creation of the second form instance.
This logic in that property and in that constuctor can be defined in a sub-class (SingletonForm). And a Form inherriting SingletonForm can still be designed in the Visual Designer.