Application initialization in OEA

Posted by rbf on 12-Sep-2008 07:50

I have been struggling for a while with this now but we don't seem to be able to find the right approach to this in OEA.

When starting our (legacy ADM II) application, we need to do some initialization stuff, such as starting libraries, logging on, connecting to databases and generally starting the environment. In Studio we used to develop by starting the AppBuilder after this.

OEA seems to have a different idea about this. There is an OpenEdge session connected to the OEA session that you can customize according to the above by using _idestartup.p. But this only applies to the session used for development. As soon as you hit RUN you start a new session that is not affected by _idestartup.p. So how do I create the proper environment for that session?

Am I missing something?

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 12-Sep-2008 07:56

session used for development. As soon as you hit RUN

you start a new session that is not affected by

_idestartup.p. So how do I create the proper

environment for that session?

Using a startup procedure in a custom launch configuration?

Posted by rbf on 12-Sep-2008 07:56

I tried that but it seems to be ignored.

Posted by Peter Judge on 12-Sep-2008 08:25

You can see the exact command OEA uses to start a PVM in the debug perspective, by right-clicking on the process and selecting 'Properties' (all processes/PVMs invoked by OEA are shown there, not just debug ones). At least you'll be able to confirm that your custom program is being run.

-- peter

Posted by Admin on 12-Sep-2008 08:27

Did you try clientlogging with at least 4GLTrace:2 ?

Posted by Matt Baker on 12-Sep-2008 12:38

I would suggest you use the debugger to launch your startup program and actually step through and see what is happening.

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