Some more help converting .vb code

Posted by jmls on 21-Sep-2008 07:15

I'm struggling with this one:

Namespace Telerik.WinControls.UI


Public Class RadBubbleBarMouseOverBehavior

Inherits PropertyChangeBehavior

Public Sub New()


End Sub

end class

end namespace

in Progress. I'm trying this simple conversion:

USING Progress.Lang.*.

using Microsoft.VisualBasic.*.

using System.*.

using System.Collections.Generic.*.

using System.Text.*.

using Telerik.WinControls.*.

using System.Drawing.*.

CLASS form.telerik.custom.RadBubbleBarMouseOverBehaviour INHERITS PropertyChangeBehaviour:


However, this will not compile: I get an error

"Could not compile 'PropertyChangeBehaviour' which is a super class of orm.telerik.custom.RadBubbleBarMouseOverBehaviour" (12918)

Why would the compiler be trying to compile PropertyChangeBehaviour ? This is a component of Telerik.WinControls ..

All Replies

Posted by jmls on 21-Sep-2008 09:15

hmm. Strange. I started all over again and it compiled this time .. Sorry for any time wasting

Posted by Admin on 21-Sep-2008 09:33

That's usually an indication for missing USING declarations or missing entries in the assemblies.xml file.

If a .NET class is not accessible, the compiler assumes (back to the roots) that it is missing the source code for a Progress class.

In your case, I assume, a

USING Telerik.WinControls.UI.*

would help.

Posted by jmls on 21-Sep-2008 09:37

what is not obvious from my example was that I had already tried adding USING Telerik.WinControls.UI.* to no avail.

It was even more strange, as I then modified the code to INHERITS button and still got the same problem. Looked as if the compiler was simply not looking at the USING parts.

Restarted OEA, typed in the code again, and it all worked ..

Posted by Admin on 21-Sep-2008 09:54

Try to reproduce the issue. I've seen it a couple of times, that when a dependent assembly got loaded by something else (maybe the execution of a wizard), the compiler had everything it needed in memory.

When compiling the same code without executing that wizzard first, the compiler failed.

I was missing some entries in the assmeblies.xml file.

Restarted OEA, typed in the code again, and it all

worked ..

Well, it's weekend in the UK as well. Maybe time for a break? Could that have been some sort of a typo?

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