Retreiving datasource column information from control's

Posted by Admin on 24-Sep-2008 15:19

Is there a way of getting to a binding source's column without knowing the column name? Here's the scenario:

I have a form with a binding source. On the form is a tab page containing a user control that itself has controls. A method in the user control is called from the form to bind the controls to its binding source. Basically, I run through a list of controls with a corresponding list of data-source columns and bind them using:

curControl:DataBindings:Add(NEW System.Windows.Forms.Binding

("Value", formBindingSource, ENTRY(iControlCtr,cFieldList), TRUE)).

where curControl is of type System.Windows.Forms.Control.

This works great.

Now, in some other code, I know the control and want to get to the bound column's data type. I do not know the name of the column.

I looked at the Labelmanager.cls example, but it uses the column name (bindings:item). I attempted using a numeric index, but got an error that the "Specified indexer type doesn't match any type required by the object".

In my code, I get the control and then want to find the datatype:

curControl = CAST(sender,System.Windows.Forms.Control).

myDataType = curControl:DataBindings:something:something.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


All Replies

Posted by Tung on 11-Nov-2016 04:43

This is waaay too late but. this works for UltraTextEditors. Other controls like numeric editors would use "Value" instead of "Text".

oBindingSource = CAST(oControl:DataBindings["Text"]:DataSource, Progress.Data.BindingSource) NO-ERROR.



   cBindField  = oControl:DataBindings["Text"]:BindingMemberInfo:BindingField.

   cDataType = oBindingSource:HANDLE:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(1):BUFFER-FIELD(cBindField):DATA-TYPE.


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