removing the button image from the ribbon bar

Posted by jmls on 10-Oct-2008 11:01

I added an image to the Ribbon button (the round one). How - how can I remove it ? I can change it to another image but can't find any way of removing it using the properties editor.

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 10-Oct-2008 14:24


You should be able to go to the Custom Properties Pages for the ToolBar Manager and then navigate to UltraToolbarsManager / Ribbon. In the right-hand pane, look for ApplicationMenuButtonImage. Right-click and select reset.


Posted by jmls on 10-Oct-2008 14:52

Indeed that worked. Thanks.

Any idea why we can't do that from the standard property pages ? I know that I can "delete" by pressing del when I use a purecomponents ribbon, so is it down to the control itself ?

Posted by Admin on 10-Oct-2008 15:29

No idea why. I just started working with the ribbon yesterday.

There are other weird things too. It seems you can't delete a tab or group from the designer window; you have to delete it using the properties panel, select Ribbon / Tabs, open the collection and delete it there.

Posted by jmls on 10-Oct-2008 15:32

Yeah, it's a bit of a bugger in that regard. The purecomponents ribbon designer is a whole lot nicer to work with

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