Process indicator

Posted by rbf on 20-Feb-2009 08:49

What options do we have nowadays with Microsoft and Ultra controls to display something more interesting than an hourglass to indicate to the user that the system is processing but a progressbar is not appropriate since we don't know how long things are going to take (such as a lengthy query or a report being generated)?

The simplest thing seems to me an animated gif, for example a rotating clock, like we are using on web pages all the time. However, I don't see a control capable of displaying an animated gif. I do see an AnimationControl class for displaying AVI files but that seems a little bit overdone.

Or is the hourglass still state-of-the-art?

All Replies

Posted by Peter Judge on 20-Feb-2009 09:14

What options do we have nowadays with Microsoft and

Ultra controls to display something more interesting

than an hourglass to indicate to the user that the

system is processing but a progressbar is not

appropriate since we don't know how long things are

going to take (such as a lengthy query or a report

being generated)?

The simplest thing seems to me an animated gif, for

example a rotating clock, like we are using on web

pages all the time. However, I don't see a control

capable of displaying an animated gif. I do see an

AnimationControl class for displaying AVI files but

that seems a little bit overdone.

The MS PictureBox shows animated gifs.

Thing I have learned (so far) today: they're called "throbbers" ( and there's a link off the Wikipedia page that allows you to generate your own. Cool.

-- peter

Posted by rbf on 20-Feb-2009 09:43

Excellent! This is exactly what I needed! I could not figure it out from the documentation, but when I tried it even an image on a button can be animated. It's just that you have to run the form before you can see it.

The link is very cool as well!

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