Infragistics Documentation

Posted by Håvard Danielsen on 24-Feb-2009 13:56

I just like to make sure that all of you are aware of the fact that Infragistics provides some excellent online documentation. Some of you have pointed out that methods and properties are somewhat sparsely documented, but the more high level and getting started type of documentation is very well put together and provides very valuable information.

The only problem with this is that it is not right in your face, so I suspect many of you are still unaware of this. To get there:

1. Go to the Online Documentation. (This is available from the Infragistics NetAdvantage - Get Help menu).

2. On this page select the applicable product: 2008 Volume 1 (CLR 2.0) (CLR 3.5), which will bring you to

This is the page I want to make you aware about. It has a content treeview on the left side that gives you access to various topics. I think everything under the Windows Forms is relevant for our UltraControls product.

The most essential section of this documentation is the Windows Forms – Developer’s guide – The Toolset – Controls and Components. This section is really mandatory reading for anyone who wants to build applications using Infragistics controls. Here you have access to getting started and high level info on each of the components provided in the Toolset.

Note that the whole The Toolset chapter is strongly recommended reading.

Happy reading...

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 24-Feb-2009 14:26

Not to mention their forum as well:

Posted by ChUIMonster on 25-Feb-2009 10:48

I have actually tried to find stuff in there. I find it to be very difficult to find things and even more difficult to understand what I am reading. I suspect that, in my case anyway, that is because there is a whole lot of "windows stuff" that just doesn't mean much to me.

Thanks for the tip. I'll keep trying to figure it out!

Posted by Håvard Danielsen on 26-Feb-2009 10:27

I have actually tried to find stuff in there. I find

it to be very difficult to find things and even more

difficult to understand what I am reading. I suspect

that, in my case anyway, that is because there is a

whole lot of "windows stuff" that just doesn't mean

much to me.

Well, it is not really a reference guide where you can look up stuff and if by "windows stuff" you mean GUI, I guess you have a point.

I also do not think think this is the kind of documentation you read in bulk.

But when you are about to work on a particular component this is the place to start to get the required basic overview and understanding. For more complex components, like for example the toolbar manager, it also gives an architectural overview.

I think the most important part is that it highlights the most important attributes and methods in the control and sometimes also for specific tasks, and thus helps you narrow down your focus. It does not explain the detail and you might still not have the complete answers, but you will find them much faster.

There is of course no way to convince you as you have to experience this yourself. Initially, I found the Infragistics components very overwhelming and I had fumbled around in the dark much longer than you have when I found this documentation, so it was an immense discovery. Maybe I would have had some of your reaction if I had found it sooner?

Thanks for the tip. I'll keep trying to figure it


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