Different Screen Layout Based on OS

Posted by Roger Blanchard on 07-Mar-2009 08:27

I have some forms that contain different types of controls such as: UltraTextEditor, UltaCombo, UltraMaskedEditor, etc. My development environment is running under VISTA Business and after properly aligning all the controls I move the .r files to a WindowsXP box for testing. The controls no longer are aligned. It appears that all the UltraTextEditors & UltraMaskedEditors will be aligned but the UltraCombo's no longer are aligned with the Editors.

Has anyone else seen this?

All Replies

Posted by Roger Blanchard on 09-Mar-2009 13:59

For anyone who runs into this issue the DPI settings between the two boxes were different which caused my problem.

Posted by rbf on 10-Mar-2009 08:17

For anyone who runs into this issue the DPI settings

between the two boxes were different which caused my


Too bad we don't have PPUs anymore

Posted by Peter Judge on 12-Mar-2009 14:40

What are the Anchor properties of the controls set to? These should help keep things relatively aligned*.

-- peter

  • Aligned relative to each other, not somewhat aligned

Posted by rbf on 12-Mar-2009 15:10

For anyone who runs into this issue the DPI settings

between the two boxes were different which caused my


Have you - or anyone else for that matter - played around with the FlowLayoutPanel/TableLayoutPanel/UltraFlowLayoutManager?

Should these be generally used to prevent such problems?

Posted by Admin on 12-Mar-2009 15:29

Peter, I guess it's hard to answer this on a general basis.

Anchoring and Docking need a Container to aling child controls to. The Flow and Table layout panels help in splitting the main container into enough child containers. That can help in many situations. But in other cases the automatic moving and resiznig (especially with the flow panels) may be counter-productive or disturbing.

It also depends on the fact if there are other container controls already on the Form (think of TabFolder, ExplorerBar, SplitContainer and so on).

So add them to your toolbox and keep them in your mind...

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