
Posted by jmgawlik on 16-Apr-2009 16:04

I was just wondering if anyone as tried playing with the System.Windows.Forms.BindingNavigator? I put one on a simple form and attached the binding source to and it seems to work to a point right out of the box. The navigation buttons work great but I'm not sure how well the Add and Delete buttons actually translate to the OpenEdge side of the query management (so to speak). This looks pretty good on the surface though. I'd appreciate any thoughts.

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Posted by Admin on 16-Apr-2009 23:12

Hi John,

I "played" with it during beta - and it looked o.k. on my side as well. I must say, I don't remember how well it plays with batching ProBindingSource. I have no reason to believe why it should behave any different for Add and Delete operations than an updatable Grid. You'll have to implement the CreateRow and CancelCreateRow event handlers to make that work properly.

In the end I decided to build my own components to control the DataBinding functionality - to achieve more influence on the functionality and the UI (Infragistics Toolbar).


Posted by jmgawlik on 17-Apr-2009 09:37

Thanks for the tip Mike. I must admit I haven't used the CreateRow or CancelCreateRow event handlers yet. Perhaps that's poor structure on my part not to have used them. So far, everything that I done with the new GUI tools has been strictly acedemic and probably not organized in the best way.

I admit that I like that the BindingNavigator exists and seems to work pretty well but if I had my way I would probably build my own version too. Probably not up to me though .

Thanks again.

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