IG Control Save/Load and tool Upgrade Management

Posted by jquerijero on 07-Jul-2009 09:53

I've seen some post about some people using the IG controls' Save and Load methods for persisting the setting. Since the serialization are pretty much tied to the CURRENT version namespace and class structure, any thoughts on what to do when the you need to upgrade the tools specially if your product is already deployed, so you won't lose your customer's saved settings due to serialization version mismatched?

I can pretty much create a custom save/load for most of the control, but the doing the same for the DockManager is very daunting. 

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Posted by jquerijero on 07-Jul-2009 11:26

This is from Infragistics, sounds promising

By [Infragistics] Jason D. in WinDockManager

We strive to make sure our controls are compatible with previous versions that we have released, though we will make breaking changes when needed.That being said, it would be expected that a document that was saved with a previous version of the DockManager should be loadable in a newer version. If it does not load correctly then we would want to know about it so that we could find a resolution.

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