CSComboBox and Form.Timer Issue

Posted by jquerijero on 23-Jul-2009 17:00

I'm experiencing some repaint issue with Progress legacy window with a CSComboBox and a new main form with a Form.Timer. The timer is set to update a clock in the main form's status bar every second. When I open the legacy window and click on the combobox, it automatically closes when the timer fires to update the clock.

I'm having trouble creating a sample program that has the same issue. I'm wondering if anyone else has seen the same problem.

All Replies

Posted by jquerijero on 27-Jul-2009 13:13

Interesting, just subscribing to the Tick event is causing the problem even without any UI update.

Posted by Matt Baker on 28-Jul-2009 09:06

Can you post the code?

Posted by jquerijero on 29-Jul-2009 17:09

I still have no luck in creating a sample program. It does work correctly when there are no other code in the legacy window other than the ones for the widget definitions.

We just decided to forgo the clock.

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