Overriding inherited read-only properties

Posted by Admin on 19-Aug-2009 13:28

I'm writing a creation filter to draw a button on an UltraGroupBox header. I can easily draw the button, but one of its (Infragistics.Win.ButtonUIElement) properties (ButtonStyle) is read-only. Below is a link on how to create an inherited ButtonUIElement class and override the property so it can be set.

I can create the inherited class well enough, but is there any way for us to override a property in the current version of Progress (10.2A SP1)?




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Posted by Peter Judge on 19-Aug-2009 14:07

I can create the inherited class well enough, but is there any way for us to override a property in the current version of Progress (10.2A SP1)?

I believe that the AVM currently doesn't support overriding of properties ("shadowing"), so you're a tad stuck. I'd suggest logging a call with TS (or an enhancement req.).

Is creating an inherited control an option at all?

-- peter

Posted by Admin on 19-Aug-2009 15:41

Thanks Peter.

I was actually assuming that a button would not be able to be dropped onto a GroupBox header sort of like a Grid column header. I was incorrect; I can just put a button on the group box header like any normal control.


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