Visual designer generates garbage code

Posted by jmls on 28-May-2009 17:19

Adding some groups to a gallery control in infragistics ribbon bar, and the following code appeared :


    arrayvar0 = NEW "CHARACTER[]"(0).

    @VisualDesigner.FormMember (NeedsInitialize="true").

    DEFINE VARIABLE galleryToolItemGroup1 AS Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.GalleryToolItemGroup NO-UNDO.

    galleryToolItemGroup1 = NEW Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.GalleryToolItemGroup("Group2", "Group2", arrayvar0).

this is bad, right ?

All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 28-May-2009 17:36

Darn tooting!  It's *your* job to generate garbage code, not the tool's!

Posted by jmls on 28-May-2009 17:39

ah tell yuh boy, these new fangled cumputor thangs have noooo right to interfere like they do. It's mah right tuh right reeel bad code. It's infringin on mah rights.

Posted by Matt Baker on 28-May-2009 18:39

Doh!  I fixed that one in 10.2B.  Please log this with tech support so we can make sure it gets fixed in 10.2a.

It isn't the code that is bad.  Its just that the computer doesn't understand what a zero-length character array is.

Posted by mdssinc on 12-Oct-2009 12:55

Is there a work around for this problem in 10.2A? I installed SP A02 and it did not solve the problem. Only difference for me is it's on a different (non-Infragistics) .Net Control.

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