
Posted by Roger Blanchard on 05-Nov-2009 15:59

When I use the UltraGridExcelExporter (ultraGridExcelExporter1:EXPORT(grid, cOutfile) ) to export the grid the bindingsource "offend" event does not fire to allow me to grab another batch of records. However, if I use the UltraGridDocumentExporter (ultraGridDocumentExporter1:EXPORT (grid, cOutfile, GridExportFileFormat:PDF) ) the "offend" will fire until all records are retrieved from the server and batching in disabled.

Has anyone seen this? I can see why you would not want the "offend" to fire especially if you hand many many record to retrieve. However, when batching the UltraGridExcelExporter is kind of useless if it does not cause the "offend" to fire.

I would think both of these controls would work the same. I am not sure if this is an Infragistics issue or a binding source issue.

All Replies

Posted by Håvard Danielsen on 12-Nov-2009 08:58

I would expect off-end to fire for any operation that needs to read all data. This can certainly be problematic if you are batching a very large result set, since the event will fire repeatedly untill all data is read. This is one of the main issues that needs to be dealt with in order to support batching.       

I do not know enough about the UltraGridExcelExporter to claim that this is a bug, but the batching support and off-end event is Progress responsibility, so please report this to Support.

Posted by Roger Blanchard on 12-Nov-2009 09:21

I agree and have an open call with TS. Thanks.

Roger Blanchard

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